Dear Classmates,

As we approach the end of 2019, the GW Class of 1969 50th Reunion Committee wants to share some news. We first remind our classmates to visit the reunion website. We are announcing our plan to host another class event in 2021. Finally, we’d like to share our decision to contribute to a Colorado non-profit that is making a positive difference in the lives of GW students.

The Class Website

We will spend $750 to maintain the website for 5 years. Michael Carter, our classmate and website designer, did a magnificent job. If you haven’t had a chance to read articles on the blog and view the reunion weekend pictures on the website, gwdenverclassof1969, we highly recommend you do so.

2021 70th Birthday Celebration

We had so much fun hosting the reception that we are planning to have another party at the Mercury Café for our classmates’ 70th birthday year in 2021. We’ll reprise the music provided by Jim Chidley and Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald, which will enhance another great evening to catch up with long-time friends. Please plan to join us in 2021.

Mercury Café

Contribution to Colorado Uplift

The original reunion weekend budget projected a $1,300 profit to make a charitable donation to assist GW students. Because the volunteer reunion committee provided most of the services needed to host the reunion and because actual attendance far exceeded our budgeted attendance (273 at the Denver Country Club reunion dinner and over 250 at the Mercury Café), we realized a reunion weekend profit of $1,800. We even passed the hat at a November lunch and raised another $200.

You should all be proud. The George Washington Class of 1969 donates $2,000 to Colorado Uplift and receives matching funds, bringing the total donation to $4,000.00.

Our $2,000 profit was doubled with a matching donation to Colorado Uplift. Colorado Uplift provides caring adult mentors that help each of their students build a sense of purpose and hope. This organization works with approximately 3,500 students in 20 middle and high schools in Denver and Aurora, including about 200 students at GW. Colorado Uplift prepares at-risk students for life after high school (over 90% graduate from high school and 85% go to college) by focusing on character, life-skills and leadership development. We encourage you to learn more about this superb non-profit organization and to consider a personal donation.

Want to make a donation?

If you would like to make an individual donation to Colorado Uplift, for deserving GW students, follow this Colorado Uplift donation link. In the “leave a comment section,” type “GW Class of 1969,” and your contribution will serve GW Students.

The 50th Reunion Committee

Kathy Koch Callender, Michael Carter, Jim Chidley, Bruce Dickinson, Gloria Ehrlich, Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald, Craig Gardiner, Lupi Canepa Goin, Jeff Hansen, Susan Senter Lingle, David Paul, Jim Stambaugh, Jeanne Kleinman Williams, Michael Zeitlin